Meet Brittany

Antepartum, L&D, Postpartum and Newborn Registered Nurse

Certified Breastfeeding Counselor

Educator of Expected Hospital Care | Prenatal Navigator | Mentor

At Enlightened Expectations

I empathize with being:

A patient [in critical condition]

A loved one of a patient

A nurse

Top priorities for you are:

Feeling Prepared

Increase in Knowledge

Self and Partner-Advocacy

Decrease Anticipatory Anxiety

Confidence in Setting Boundaries

What’s Included:

  • Free 15-minute call to evaluate the depth of your needs, address questions, explore my services, and determine how I can be a good fit

  • Zoom Consultation of your choice: Phase 1, Phase 2, or both.

  • Direct text message support provided following our consultation and post-delivery

  • Lists:

    • What to Pack

    • What to Prep Before Baby

    • Partner/ Support Person Roles

    • Referrals: Doula, Lactation, Chiropractor, Mental Health, Fitness, Eldoa, Photography, Nanny/ Sleep Trainer, Pelvic Floor, Physical Therapy, Myofascial Release

“I help you make decisions that honor your day-to-day personal values, living with authenticity through all stages of pregnancy, birth, postpartum and partner roles whether it’s baby 1, 2, 3 or more!

It is a privilege that I get to experience an open-dialogue space to create relationships with families, while you create and nurture a new life.”

“Unlike any other ‘Childbirth Education’ I’ve had!”

The Peace of Mind Roadmap


The Peace of Mind Roadmap /

Hi, I’m Brittany!

  • RN for 7 years in antepartum, labor & delivery, postpartum + newborn nursery

  • Oldest of 4 (and the shortest!)

  • Babysat for 10 years

  • Night baby nurse

Many postpartum hospital patients wished they received more education when preparing for a baby. I compiled a list of different topics mentioned and, over time, this list has evolved into a program for expecting parents - to discuss all the unknown + unexpected!

Simultaneously, I’ve battled + overcame medical traumas which taught me to educate + advocate for myself by reading books, listening to podcasts and learning from providers. I've found the following to relieve anticipatory anxiety and promote mental & physical healing:

  • Knowledge about my body

  • Saying no and setting boundaries

  • Knowing what questions to ask doctors/ nurses

  • Partner/ Support person has confidence in set roles

My experience as a patient led me to embrace a more holistic, calm + healthy lifestyle while creating a deeper connection with my partner in his supportive role.

Working as a Maternity Nurse, I realized that this form of preparation I used to heal myself was also very helpful for my patients.

Enlightened Expectations is more than childbirth education.

It exists to advocate for you & your support system, provide peace of mind and give you the confidence to make informed choices when delivering your baby.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Together, we can identify/ resolve concerns, consider options, discuss short-term and long-term goals and provide information to develop a plan.  I’ll coach you through to achieve your goals, set up personal boundaries per request and be present to consult, as needed.

    If there is ever a time you need advice, I am happy to be available within my scope of practice.  I have lots of wonderful friends in professional places and will always do my best to help and refer!

    • I am not a doula, but as a Registered Nurse in the state of New Jersey, I am a licensed medical professional who also holds a Bachelors of Science in Nursing.
      I have experience providing medical care, emotional support, advocacy and patient & partner support in the hospital setting. This has provided me with the inside scoop on what to expect during your hospital stay from labor & delivery to postpartum to discharge.
      I also work as a nursery nurse, which has given me hands on experience caring for newborns with a variety of different needs (while teaching many relatable newborn tips & tricks I’ve learned to the parents).
      In my role with Enlightened Expectations, I provide education, support, and firsthand knowledge of how to advocate for the pregnancy you envision in a medical world that is sometimes difficult to navigate.

    • A Doula serves as a guide and advocate, providing emotional, physical, and informational support to mothers and families before, during, and after childbirth.
      Doulas are not required to be licensed or certified in New Jersey, however they can provide invaluable information and care to mothers from pregnancy to postpartum.
      Doulas often attend hospital births or may provide support for home births with a licensed practitioner present (example: midwife).

  • I am open to many options of how you would prefer your education!!

    Sign up for the free 15 minute consultation! Then, I can make a personal plan/ program for you and we can figure out timing/ pricing/ texting/ learning on your own timeline!

    Write down all that is on your mind and once you feel it’s all out on paper we can discuss!

    Ex: Pay monthly for your convenience

  • 1 -2 hours!

    Of course, I do occasionally go over the time limit to expand on a topic specific for the client's needs. =)

    Scheduling and Questionnaire below:

    Click Here!

  • I’d love for you to have a support person in on the call! Just be sure to include both party’s answers on the questionnaire prior to the call.

  • I kindly request to cancel/ reschedule before 24 hours. I know life is spontaneous (especially when you have other little ones). Payment is kept safe until you are able to reschedule. I will be here, for when you are ready!

  • I start as early as 14 weeks! It is never too late to start, even if you’re inching towards 40 weeks. =)

  • For most clients every pregnancy differs from the other (and sometimes deliver each child in different hospitals), so knowing this information can guide me to help you with hospital care expectations, time management and how to navigate being in control of your care and ask questions with safety measures.

    I know lot's of newborn tricks and "mother-baby-home organization," ideas!

  • “What do you want to learn while speaking with me and do want to know how to apply it in real-time?”

    “Is this an informational call to gather further knowledge for hospital stay insight?”

    “Do you have question’s you’d like to ask or unsure of what to ask?”

    “Do you feel you need comfort and reassurance to relieve anticipatory anxiety?”

    If yes to any of these- An initial consultation and at least 1 follow up to equal to a total of 2 hours, is suggested. From there, I’d be happy to schedule, as needed!

  • Yes! I am the only one who has access to the questionnaire, phone calls and messages.  Any form of contact is private and not recorded or saved, to protect the client and others participating.

    The scheduler used is called Acuity. As per the Squarespace platform: “To collect secure patient information, we recommend using Acuity Scheduling… is the only Squarespace feature currently designed to offer services consistent with HIPAA obligations.”

  • NJ! This is a phone call and message service, with the occasional video chat, as needed. I can help you from anywhere in the USA!

Fears, Thoughts, Challenges

  • Advocacy

  • Boundaries

  • Single-parenting

  • Postpartum anxiety

  • First 24 hours at home

  • First 48 hours at hospital

  • What to do if baby chokes

  • Different forms of inductions

  • Best type of feeds for the baby

  • What to expect from the nurses

  • How to hold, swaddle, burp baby

  • What happens if baby goes to NICU

  • Medications, Interventions, Treatments

  • The body’s reaction to hormonal changes

  • What questions to ask the doctors & nurses

  • Process of a vaginal delivery or cesarean section

  • Roles for the support person to partake with care

  • What happens in the delivery room and who is there

  • Pregnancy diagnosis and mom’s and baby’s interventional care

  • Here for you; Here for a smooth transition, to lighten the intensity of emotions and for comfort.

  • I accept, educate and advocate for my families with pride and love, molding to ANY form or style of parenting and care you want!

Beauty and prosperity on Earth’s ground.
A great love is awaiting.
— Brittany Pruneau

Let’s Get Together!

Are you expecting a baby?!

Book below to learn more about what to expect for you and your little one during this time of growth!

I am available to answer questions (in between fast-paced office visits and ultrasounds) to ease this transition.



This is not medical advice, not to be used for treatment of any diagnoses, and is not a replacement for medical care. If there is an emergency, please contact your medical provider or call 911.

Permission to distribute any details in this program is not granted.

Information provided by Enlightened Expectations serves as basic guidelines, but may not cover every aspect of care at your chosen healthcare facility. All information provided on this website is based off of my experience and safe practice as a maternal-newborn registered nurse in a regional trauma center. The policies of this trauma center are verified as level 1 adult and level 2 pediatric. Other healthcare facilities may operate using different policies for patient care.

I encourage you to ask questions in order to determine the standard practices at your facility and can help guide you on a path to best advocate for yourself wherever you choose to deliver.


Kind & vulnerable testimonials written by:

Brave parents sharing their experience with Brittany in the hospital setting as postpartum patients & as Enlightened Expectations Clients


We were so lucky to have Brittany. She went above and beyond. I felt so much better mentally and spiritually going into the hospital setting.

She was there whole heartedly- pre , during and post… completely at our discretion. Checking in to remind us that we were supported.

I wish there was more education around expectations for birth. The hospital time can be traumatic!

Brittany helped me to feel empowered throughout despite a scheduled induction due to being a type 1 diabetic and an emergency c section. I felt as prepared as I could be.

Believe it or not, my doctors didn’t even tell me what an induction looked like- I learned for the first time with Brittany! Doctors who have done this millions of times often assume patients understand and sometimes they can minimize the full experience including excitement, confusion, and anxiety of the parents.

If you are feeling any of the above and would like to feel secure and empowered going into your birth, you literally cannot lose reaching out for a consultation with Brit. Not only is she a highly experienced L&D RN, but she’s just a genuine, easy-to-open-up-to person.


As a first-time mom-to-be, I was very excited for the journey I was about to embark on but simultaneously very nervous and lost. I wanted to make sure I was as prepared and educated on pregnancy, birth and postpartum to the best of my ability.

I know you can’t be taught on how to “be a mom”, but Enlightened Expectations really does a fabulous job of getting you there.

Brittany was such a HUGE, incredible, knowledgeable, resource to have. Without her, wow, I really would have been at a disadvantage.

She was always accessible to answer ANY of my questions… and if she didn’t have the answer (which was rare) she would find out! She has so many connections in the business there wasn’t a specialist, doctor, nurse, she didn’t know.

As a L&D nurse with lots of experience, she knew the ins-and-outs of everything. Any scenario or question I threw at her she answered with ease and made me feel so reassured.

She helped prep me during pregnancy, she helped tremendously with labor/birthing questions (especially pertaining to the hospital I was delivering at) and she was always there for me through out postpartum.

She would check on me all the time to make sure I was mentally and physically okay. That kind of personal touch is just impossible to find and SO important during this time of your life.

She just CARES and it shows. Her passion for helping others and putting their mind at ease during a very stressful, but exciting time, comes so easy to her that it made me feel as ready as I could be to have a baby.

I can’t recommend ALL her services enough.


There is an overwhelming amount of questions and concerns which run through a woman’s mind prior to giving birth to their first child.

Despite being a NICU nurse and knowing what to expect more than the average person, the anxiety and fear is inevitable – or so I thought. Unfortunately, my son, Dominic, was in the breech position and unable to be birthed vaginally, which led me to scheduling a cesarean section weeks before my due date.

Thankfully Brittany Pruneau, an L&D nurse who is like family to me, was able to discuss any questions and concerns that I had prior to the big day and gave me a huge sense of relief in what I should be expecting.

It is unfortunate that not every new mother can receive the insight that I had the ability to prior to the big day.

I believe that every patient should have the opportunity to discuss the ins and outs of what to expect beforehand, in order to best prepare themselves both physically and emotionally.

Brittany is an exceptional postpartum nurse in providing care and comfort in ways I would not have imagined – other nurses would benefit significantly in learning from her methods of care as well as communication with patients’.

Testimonial Submissions

The Peace of Mind Roadmap


The Peace of Mind Roadmap /